LinkedIn Follow-Up – What, no creative headline???

Last time I spoke of LinkedIn as a great social media forum for our profession. If you are unfamiliar with LinkedIn, I have provided the link to a Screencast video to introduce you to my profile, as well as a link to my actual profile.

Screeencast welcome to my LinkedIn profile

My LinkedIn profile:

Here are a few examples of engineer’s LinkedIn profiles, with my comments

Cliff Davis

Cliff is highly qualified, but his profile is sparse.  Cliff has worked at the same place for decades.

Another former coworker is Ken Williams. He is also highly qualified, and you can see this by his LinkedIn profile.

Ken gives a lot of information about his qualifications, education and experience. I know Ken, and he is always prepared—even his LinkedIn profile shows it. He could post a more professional picture.

Create a profile, or update your profile if you already have one.

Be Prepared – It isn’t just the Boy Scout Motto.

For my money (and it cost nothing) LinkedIn is the most useful of the social media for the design engineering professional. Between being able to link to friends and acquaintances in our field, and the professional forums that are available, much can be accomplished. Whether your question is

  • What ever happened to that old co-worker?
  • What is the best way to laminate multiple webs at high speed?……….OR
  • How am I going to find a new job?

Linked in provides the functionality and connections that will send you in the right direction.

Utilize LinkedIn. Don’t try to
reinvent the wheel by random means of trying to connect with other design engineering professionals.

Use the tools that are available. Remember……

A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible
– Freeman Dyson

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