Final Thoughts On Social Media-You Thought I was Done?

We have explored LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Blogs. They have been a mixed bag of good, bad, and indifferent. One social media that may prove invaluable to you as a design engineer is YouTube.

That’s right, YouTube. The website that launched Justin Bieber is also a treasure trove of valuable information and education.


Search whatever you want to learn about. How much money and time would you spend learning how to use Excel, PowerPoint or some other software? There are literally billions of dollars or free education just waiting for you on YouTube.

Software tutorials, how-to videos, how do they make it videos. You might even get a new idea for how to complete your next design.

There is a video for ball bearings;  Ball Bearings

Soap:  Soap

Contact lenses: Contact Lenses

Playing cards, beer, mirrors……….you name it. There is even a video on how they make condoms…..I suggest you purchase them at Walgreens or CVS, but if you feel driven to know how they are made, YouTube has a video.

This is the end of my exploration of social media as it is used in the engineering profession. I may search some more, as my interest has been piqued.

Come back from time to time, as I have many other topics germane to design engineers to explore.

Thanks for coming along for the ride.

Jerry Cox  (aka Greybeard)

If you are an engineer, you will laugh at this. If not, well, if I explain it it won’t be funny anyhow!


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