Facebook Failure-part deux

We design engineers are a persistent lot. After all, WD-40 and Preparation H both point out the fact that the first 39 WDs and Preparations A thru G were unsuccessful, but the creators did not give up.

So once again I ventured into Facebook, and what did I find? That my hopes were elevated, only to be destroyed like a poorly lubricated gear train under heavy load at high rpms.

There it is, right in front of me……

Mechanical Engineering Forum – is it too good to be true? Yes, it is. As you will see, this is a static page with a button which links to outside of Facebook. This is a big failure, as I am searching for Facebook pages that apply to design engineering. This page is an ad disguised as a Facebook page.

Other searches yielded Facebook accounts for various design and manufacturing firms with 31 views and 5 likes and no usable content—just a poor attempt to garner some free advertising–so I abandoned Facebook as a viable social media for design engineers professionally. Although design engineering requires persistence, it also demands that we know when to abandon a bad idea. To do anything else is crazy:

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
Albert Einstein

Using Facebook in its current state for design engineering is one of those bad ideas. Like the perpetual motion machine and robots doing our housework, it’s time has not yet come.

Use Facebook for finding your old college friends, keeping up with family news and viewing pictures of the nieces, nephews—and grandkids if you are a Greybeard like I am.

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